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New Money For All

Everyone spend about 1000€ on the Internet per Year, how many friends you have on Facebook?
Now it become time that you also have a part from this money your friends spend on the Internet. Facebook give you no possibility to earn money, although you build this network by inviting your friends. Just Facebook earns on this, but you grow them up.

Now Facebook has a value about 40 billion $, but no worry, now its time to get a part and earn much money. Get a part of the historic revolution in the internet and follow the 3 steps to register for free on Money for all.Money for all is a multi functional, multilingual social online earning platform. Users become rewarded when they are active, invite their friends and they get something on the Mall. This platform already grow faster then Facebook in the first year. Within 48 hours after registration you get a newsletter with the top tips to Money for All.

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